Cleopatra's Wedding Present【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
Cleopatra's Wedding PresentThe classic travelogue by journalist Robert Tewdwr Moss, who was murdered on the day he completed it. Cleopatra's Wedding Present is the rare book that captivates its reader from the very first page. Tewdwr Moss, a brilliant young writer who was murdered in London the day he finished the book, left this lyrical gem as his legacy. He adeptly captures an essence of the Middle East that is foreign to most of us, but which becomes real with his astute observations of the region's culture and explosive politics. He conveys what so many westerners find both fascinating and frightening in the Middle East, making no attempt to mask circumstances that are appalling and dangerous while also exotic and beautiful. And sometimes, very funny. Like the best travel books, Robert Tewdwr Moss's memoir of his travels through Syria is a profoundly telling vivisection of Middle Eastern society, a chilling history of ethnic crimes, a picaresque adventure story, a purely entertaining travelogue, and a poignant romance.Dimensions: 12.95 x 1.78 x 19.81 centimetres (0.22 kg)ジャーナリストRobert Tewdwr Mossの古典的な旅行記。
彼がこの本を終えた日にロンドンで殺害された著名な若手作家であるTewdwr Mossは、この歌詞の宝石を遺産として残しました。
最高の旅の本のように、ロシアのTewdwr Mossのシリア旅行の回想録は、中東社会の深い洞察力、民族犯罪の歴史、ピカレスクの冒険物語、純粋に面白い旅行記、そして心のこもったロマンスです。
寸法:12.95 x 1.78 x 19.81センチメートル(0.22 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。